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בית אורן באנגלית

נכתב על ידי ororen, 9/12/2024

Besiyata Dishmaya בס"ד

 Sometimes whithout no warning 

something out of ordinary 
you can comprehend only after it occurs


I would like to share with you my personal journey

which has no logic- but when revealed to us 

we can learn something about what is to come ahead


lt all started on a very cold winter 1991/2

in northern Israel

I am 40 years old - married 

At that time I worked as a computer analyst  - so as you can guess

I had to be driven by logic 

But I chose my way and not necessarily what is considered 

to be mainstream
< The well known verse  is probably right

a  person  will  not  be  tested  by  GOD  

more  than  he  is  able  to  bear
GOD was with me all the way

every step of the journey
to Bet Oren on mount Carmel


Every day in the factory " Cyclone" > "Bar Lev" industial zone  

where I worked  

we used to take a short walk after lunch

  On that day the weather was cold and rainy

 - and nobody joined me to the little forest near by

 (today there is a factory ) 

the earth was muddy after heavy showers in the morning -

 and now -  the sky was full of clouds

 -but not a drop of rain to be seen...
I  looked ahead and noticed there lies

 a shining rock on the path 

 . As I came closer I did not believe my eyes

it was  smooth and carved like a big diamond 

 30cm - in diameter - the color was light brown 


I picked it up - it was very heavy - so I had 2 choices

 5 to take it back to the factory - or take it     

  minutes ahead to the main road : Carmiel - Akko  

The minute I saw the stone 

- I knew I have to take it to Bet Oren - but how 


  Two weeks before my neighbour Yoel Horovitz 

 who used to work as a tourists guide

 called me (as soon as I entered the building )

 to show me slides of Bet-Oren -

 A year before there was a big fire

 - and now every thing is blooming" - he said" 

 he gave me a full picture of the entrance to Bet Oren

  mentioning every little detail

A cabbalist  told me : your name is Bet OREN
In your name :     oren               TWICE 
ר א ו ב ן              א ו ר ן 

                                        gematria : א=1 , ב =2 , ג=3 , ד=4 , ה=5...

18/8/1952 כ"ח באב תשי"ב <= I was born 


From now on - everything is out of explanation  

I took the stone : wrote on it Bet Oren in Hebrew

 (it was smooth like a baby's cheek)  

 with my yellow marker   ---> that I had in my pocket to mark

 wrong sentences in the computer plans

Now I am standing on the main road to Akko 

No boddy stopped because every body 

was speeding down the road - until

came along an Arabic guy called Ali 

who drove on a cranky car and stopped

I set in the rear --> hiding the stone between my legs - 

and we talked about co-existence in the Middle-East 

when we reached Akko I thanked him

 and gave him my golden watch  


As I got out of the car  

I saw in the ditch a long blue plastic tube which
fitted exactly : I took the stone with me to the market nearby

there I saw 2 Jewish tradesmen shouting at each other 

- I made peace

between them - and they took me inside

 : helping me with dry socks and

shirt - and a cup of tea whith cookies --> 

now that I was under shelter
started a big rain

(  along with my raincoat -my wallet  was left  in my office * )


After a while I heard the train buzz - too- too- too to leave the station 

I took the stone and ran like the wind

 ( * no fences ) > on my way to  Haifa

The cabinet was empty and suddenly a nice

 old religious man came in - sitting

next to me - eating hazel-nuts
He offered me some - but I told him : no thanks 

- I just had a little meal

but he insisted and gave me some of them

  to keep in my shirt pocket
In Haifa I asked about the bus to Bet Oren

"only in the evening "

so I went into a bank -- > sleeping on a coach for 2 hours


The bus was climbing mount Carmel - in circles

and the station is inside the kibbutz 

there I saw a supermarket cart to place the heavy stone 

Who are you" ? asked me one of the members of the kibbutz"

I am Oren I answered

"Oren " he  said " we are waiting for you 2 days 

I was shocked - but so hungry and tired - so I kept silent

he took me to sign some papers about me -

 amazingly two days before - there was a meeting

 for new ones to join the kibbutz <---

and since the man in charge who had the list of names

 was missing - they thought - it's me
I wrote all my family details

 - mentioning that I am a acomputer analyst

 looking for a job in the

 kibbutz . At this time I did not wear a yarmulke

 on my head . My parents kept traditional

 jewish way of life. they were both Holocast survivors - 

who believed in hard work - to build their life

Father told me how in White Russia (Siberia) they had 

to eat even a burried horse in the snow

 - in order to survive ---> real hunger--

One day he falls into a snowy valley

 with two oxes : shouting for help from GOD -

 and managed to keep alive
 Mother was 12 years old when

 she was taken to a shelter for kids

 - there she collapsed after 

not eating a proper meal -for a long time

 .They were a very rich family in Romania

(רחוב : שדרות האבן = Stein Strassse street )

She knew all the book of Psalms by heart

 - and kept praying untill they

were released and ( by train) came to Israel

 So keeping optimistic - is a moto in my head


When I entered the dining room in the kibbutz

 - I notice the candelabrum with the candles -

 waiting to be lit on Friday night

We had a nice big meal - when suddenly the lights 

went off in all the region - due to the

 horrible thunders - outside

so I  told them to light the candles

 - and  they did - and then the light returned
So they asked me what are my plans

 ahead ( my belly is full ) > I replied with a sense

 of humor : since the weather is so cold - 

put me to sleep- with a female kibbutz member

 - to keep me warm

suddenly they started whispering

 - they did not like the answer 

- and told me: since the security official

 is not present - you have to leave the kibbutz
 I said ok 
 I felt as if some one is watching me from above

  the strong wind  did not discourage me

( I took the stone (looked like my bag 

 ( and went out (* no fences by the gate

I took out the rock and put it in the entrance

 under a big pine tree

I had a broken umbrella - that I found

 - but  - the rain was very heavy 

 I can go back crying for 

mercy - but I decide to go on

 - by the information given to me by  my neighbour in Carmiel
 I saw the grocery store - but it was empty

 so I went on to the riding center - where they kept the horses 

I did not know whether there is a guard

   to shoot me so I kept crying : Help - please -help me

I was quite dizzy - all wet - when I saw a round

 building with an open little window

I managed to fall into the place -

 there I had all I needed to survive 


I covered myself with soft velvet 

 ( they kept it there for the horses in the winter )

 I was really


In the darkness- I found a big piece of thick nylon

 - so I laid on the hay covering myself

 ,  and on my head I put a big warm hat

 with the logo of BET-OREN - to cover also my ears 

 I had in my pocket the huzle-nuts

 to eat - and fell asleep like a baby in a warm cradle <---


Five o'clock I waked up - and opend the window

 - the rain stopped but it was so cold - no one to be 

seen - so I managed to fall out of the window

 - with all the warm layers on me including the big nylon

Moving forward - I saw the sign : to TEL- AVIV 

 so I stood on the road looking for somebody to take

 me to YEHUD - where my parents lived

After some minutes - a van came

 - saw me - went on - but suddenly stopped - driving back 

Endrew -- a christian guy driving 

to the airport of Ben Gurion - to meet his 

mother -- coming from England

He told me that I  looked like a ghost -

 but when he saw the hat he understood that I belong to the kibbutz
The roads were empty - and he gave me some money

 - to take the bus from 

Bnei Atarot - into Yehud

The bus driver told me - do not pay 

- just get quickly into the bus - so cold it was

Seven O'clock I knocked on the door 

- my father opened - saw me and started 

crying - "why are you crying " ? I am alive - I said

 All weekend I stayed in my parents home 

and went back to my family - to work 

- on Sunday morning - as if nothing happened

My father took all my staff and burned it

 - I  guess it reminded him his suffer in the World War II 

 as a boy he saved his family 

: when he had a dream 

- that a German plane is coming to kill them all

 - he waked his father and they ran away

 in the middle of the night - when they saw from a distance

 how the place was burning with fire

( My grandmother was a daughter of a Rabbi 

who married a simple coachman ( driving a horse 

That saved their life : escaping from the Germans untill they reached

 -TASHKENT in the south (Ozbekiston) - 

 With only one horse they survived

 - since a horse can cross big rivers - like a tank


Years later I met the messiah "MORDECAI HAYEHUDI 

who told me that my task in Bet Oren  is

 not completed yet

He told me 

 the redemption will be one day after Passover -

 there is a Jewish festival called Mimuna in

 which everybody comes to visit and eat with a sense of unity


המסע לבית אורן

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