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נכתב על ידי שניאור, 11/9/2013


An Historic Opportunity to Turn the Tide

"There's never been a more serious problem in Klal Yisrael's Kedusha. This plague has spared no class of Jews, no one is immune. The only weapon we have against it is GuardYourEyes."
- Rav Aharon Feldman Listen
- Rav Dr. Abraham J. Twerski Listen

"When I was 12, I mistyped something and got caught in the shmutz. My parents had no filter. For years, I felt totally rotten on the inside and neglected my family and myself... But with GYE's help I was reborn. You taught me how to break free and live a meaningful life. Only Hashem can repay you...." - Tzvi

Dear Friend,

We make an appeal only once a year during the Yomim Noraim period (High Holidays) when the hearts of Jews worldwide are open. We believe that our work is critical for upholding the holiness and moral fabric of the Jewish people.

As you surely know, technological advancements have put the Jewish community at risk and are destroying more people's marriages and Yidishkeit than almost anything else today. Much of our communities' investment in education is being undermined by the strong pull of these temptations.

The GuardYourEyes organization is single-handedly battling on all fronts, providing both treatment for those who are already drowning, as well as prevention to ensure that people don't fall-in in the first place. B"H, we are seeing much success, but there is a great deal more to do and we need your help to continue fighting. (For a video about our work, see here).

TREATMENT:  (15,000 active registered members, 400,000 unique visits)


See our three pronged approach here

We are still in urgent need of funding to finish an overhaul of our services, as well as to advertise and maintain our networks. (See here for our 2013-14 budget and sponsorship opportunities).

Help support the leading organization in the Jewish world that is fighting the battle of Kedusha on every front!

Can there be a greater merit for the Yomim Noraim than partnering in the teshuvah of thousands and helping uphold the holiness of the Jewish nation?

Wishing you a כתיבה וחתימה טובה and a year of holiness and blessing!

We thank you for your partnership.


Anonymous donations possible. To donate by phone or check, see below. Tax deductible


Yaakov N, Founder
Yechezkel Stelzer, CEO

"You saved my life and my family. I have struggled with this for as long as I can remember. Thank you thank you thank you for turning my life around."
- Yosef

Donations by phone (24 hours a day): 718-878-3075

Checks can be made out to: "GYE Corp." and mailed to:
GYE Corp. P.O. Box 32380  Pikesville, MD 21282 U.S.A.

Note: If you would like to make a donation through a Tzedaka Foundation, please contact us first for some important information.

Please share this email on. Who knows how many lives you can affect?

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