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נסים ונפלאות - באנגלית

נכתב על ידי אביהו ח, 6/12/2012



Loyalty to Life of Purity and Sanctity, by Each & Every One of Us, Publically & Yearly!


     During the battles of the Chashmonayim with the Greeks in the year 3597 to the Creation, about 2175 years ago, for about three years, the Holy and Pure Menorah of the Holy Temple was not lit. After the Chashmonayim overpowered the Greeks and their  Hellenized Jewish associates, they restored the services at the Holy Temple, and wanted to re-light the Holy and Pure Menorah - Candelabra. They found that the Greeks have defiled all the oil flasks, and only one flask of Pure oil, with the seal of the high priest was found, which would normally suffice for the lighting of only one night. Miraculously, this one day measure of oil did burn for eight days. [Either the necessary round trip travel time to the trib of Asher to bring the best special Pure olive oil, or Seven days to purify the oil producers, and one day to produce the pure oil. (Orach-Chaim, Bayt-Yosef 670).] The following year, our sages proclaimed those 8 days as a festival of G-d praising and thanksgiving. Therefore, "from the 25th day of Kislev, for the 8 days of Chanukka, we light the Chanuka Candles, we recite the full Hallel - Thanksgiving Psalm prayer, we say the "Miracles prayer" - "Al-Hanissim," during the silent devotion prayer, at the Thanksgiving blessing, [and in the Grace after the meals.] We do not eulogy and do not fast during those 8 days." (Shabbat 21).

Answers to few of many questions asked:

    1. Why did G-d deem it necessary to perform for us a miracle to reinstate the lighting of the Menorah immediately, with pure oil, without having to wait the necessary 8 days for the production and/or bringing of new pure oil? The Menorah was not lit during 3 years, why it could not wait another 8 days for the new pure oils.

    2. Why the miracle was that only one instead of the 8 jars that were needed for eight days will be found?

    3. What did this miracle accomplish for our people, besides saving seven little flasks of oil, and the fact that the Menorah miraculously remained lit for an additional seven days, more then countless of other miracless, that occur daily to our people and to each and every one of us, as we proclaim 3 times daily in our prayers, that it obligates each one of us to light the Chanukah candles yearly to the end of generations?

                               4. Why must each person light his own personal Menorah? Only one Menorah was lit for our entire People of Israel in the Holy Temple! Likewise, to light one Menorah in the synagogue or on top of a high tower from where it could be seen by all the people of the city could be sufficient to publicise the miracle of the Menorah.

   5. Why must everyperson exhibit his lighting of the Menorah, and allow the entire community check on him, if and how did he light the Chanukkah Menorah? We must light the Menorah at the entrance door outside, or in a window facing the street. The obligation to light the Mmenorah is only as long as there are passer-by in the street, who are able to see it lit. There is no other commandment that require us to display its observance?

   6. Why the miracle of the lighting the Menorah and not any of the other [9] miracles that took place daily in the Holy Temple of Yerushalayim was chosen, for the celebration of the restoration of the Temple service and the yearly celebration of the victory of the forces of Purity and Sanctity over the forces of impurity and darkness?

   7. Why the obligation to light the Chanuka Menorah, was instituted only a year after the victory, and not immediately after?

   8. Why the Greek culture is so bad and dangerous, that our sages call it "Darkness!" as written: "Choshech Al Pnai Tehom" -  "Darkness upon abyss!" this is Yavan - Greek," (Breshit 1:2, Raba 2:4), which prompted our sages to proclaim a personal obligation on every Jew to light a Chanuka Menorah to the end of generations, in order to express the clash and conflict with the Greek culture?

    9. Why our Sages ordered us to light a Chanuka Menorah at home, although the Second Temple continued to exist and function for another 233 years after the victory of the Chashmonayim over the Greeks and the Hellenized Jews who has adopted the Greek culture, while the Holy and Pure Menorah has been lighten during all this time in the Holy Temple?

   10. Why do we celebrate the miracle of lighting the Menorah during the victory of the Chashmonayim over the Greek, and not the miraculous lighting of the Menorah all along during its existance at the Mishkan and the two holy Temples? The Menorah did always lit in a miraculous fashion.

   11 Why do we continue to celebrate only the rededication of the Menorah [and the Mizbe'ach] who do not exist any more? After the second Temple have been destroyed, and the Holy Menorah has disappeared.

Some of many possible answers:

    For thousands of years and until today the debate continues: The Chashmonayim's victory over the powerful Greek empire and the Hellenized Jews, as our survival among the nations who from the time we became a nation are constantly planing to anihilate us, was it and is it a military victory, achieved by prowess, strength, and wisdom of the Chashmonayim? Or was it, simply stated, a Divine miracle; the same miracle that ensures our survival throughout the ages and protects us from the nations of the world who seek to anihilate us?

Hashem said:

"Who will reveal this secret to my children?"

    The lights of the Pure Menorah were burning daily in the Holy Temple in a miraculous fashion, served to reveal the presence of Hashem in the Holy Temple among us, his Jewish people and consequently in the world. The miracle of the one jar of oil that normaly was sufficient for one day and remained lit for 8 days serves for the same purpose. It performed as a small pilot light to reveal the great secret and message: that the victory of the long and arduous battle against the Greek Culture and the Hellenized Jews from the beginning to the end, was only due to the great miracle that appeared here. G-D Has helped, helps, and will always help the forces of Purityand Sanctity to overcome the forces of impurity which are represented by the Greek Culture.

6. The answer to the sixth question: The battle started against the Hellenized followers of darkness - of the ancient Greek culture, who had desecrated our Torah and traditions, and contaminated Jewish souls.

A candle represents a controled flame, whereas a fire typifies an uncontrolled blaze consuming everything in its path. The flickering of the Menorah's candle's flames represent the human soul, as it is written: "G-d's Candle the Soul of a human being!" The light symbolizes the Torah's wisdom in its Purity and Sanctity, as written: "Candle of Mitzva and Torah Light!" The Torah is among others a book of laws that teaches and educates us to a self-controlled way of life. Therefore, the candles of the Menorah lit in a miraculous way, were chosen to convey the victory of the light and wisdom of the Torah in Purityand Sanctity over the darkness of the Greek culture. (See essay: Why light Holy Shabbat Candles even in abundance of electric light?). 

    7. However, soon after the end of the war, our Sages realized that the victory was only a temporary one, in the battlefied and not of the war. In the land of Israel and not in the Diaspora, where Jews will still have to face the darkness of the Greek culture around the world during a long and indefinite exile. Therefore, in order to equip us with the necessary resources and strength to overcome the incessant clash with the foreign cultures, they commanded us to celebrate the miracle of the restoration of the Holy Temple and our triumph over the forces of darkness everywhere during our long exile. By remembering the miracle of the Holy Menorah candles we will draw the necessary strength to battle with the forces of darkness, and remind us our obligation to continue to oppose the penetration of foreign cultures and guard us from assimilation among the nations of the world.

            Lighting a Chanukah Menorah, requires an activity that each one of us can perform regardless of his social and economic rank. Before the modern age of matches and electricity, lighting a fire was a difficult undertaking, nevertheless people did light fires for their daily use. Those who could afford it, would also light a candle for ilumination at night. We are required to light a candle to honor the Shabbat. All married Jewish women, ever since the first woman Chavah = Eve and our Foremother Sarah, did lit Shabbat candles. Even people who live in austere conditions, are able to crush a few olives and produce enough oil to light a candle, or to use the fat from broiled or cooked meat which floats above the soup. Since each one of us possesses the knowhow and capability to light a candle, and we light candles anyway for light, therefore, our sages commanded us to light extra candles, not for light but only in honor of the festival of the restoration of the Menorah in the Holy Temple. We light them with a special blessing to honor the festival of Chanukah, and we proclaim: "These candles we light for the miracles... these candles are holy, we are not permitted to use them for light, only to look at them, in order to thank... for Hashem's miracles...!"

    Oil, exist in the world in abundance. Millions of barrels are drawn daily from the depth of the earth. However, for the Pure Menorah, G-d requires only a little oil - but pure oil. Olive oil that was extracted from a fruit that grows on a tree. The entire process of conversion from a fruit into oil must be made in Purityand Sanctity, and by people who lead a life of Purityand Sanctity!

All this in order to reveal to us another secret!

 The miracle of Chanukah is about a small jar of oil, but Pure Oil, to teach us that the condition of our survival depends on leading our lives in Purity and Sanctity, as it is written: "Not with power nor with might, only with the spirit of Hashem"! We do not owe our survival to Jewish talent, courage, and daring, but only to the merit of "Children, Men and Women, Young as Old" - and conditioned with the Totality of our people who are leading their lives in Purity and Sanctity. As mentioned: (Mlachim II 18-19, Yeshayahu 36-37, Sanhedrin 94). In the year 3060 (from Creation), 2712 years ago, a huge army of 185,000 commanders and millions of soldiers, under the leadership of Sancheriv, besieged Yerushalayim in order to destroy it. Miraculously, at the exact midnight, they died before getting a chance to shoot even one single arrow. The Talmud credits this miracle to the merit that in that time, in the entire land of Yisrael, there was not even one young boy or girl, one man or woman who were not well-versed in the laws of Purityand Impurity, and the observance of Mikva.

The same merit is needed today till the end of time

in order to save ourselves,

Yerushalayim and our communities!

    The four lessons for the survival of Yerushalayim and  each and every one of us, are:

    1. Mikva is a prerequisite for our salvation. Since Mikva is - a most effective way to lead man to recognize his Creator, accept Torah observance and effect a transformation from life of disinterest to a life of commitment, repentance and devotion to G-d!

    How is this realized? The choice that G-d gives man to believe or to deny G-d's existence, is only during man's lifetime. Man can live as an atheist but cannot die as such! G-d Has fashioned man's genes & psyche in a manner, that at the moment he will senses that his death is near, he will be forced to recognize his Creator. "There are no atheists in foxholes!" In a state ofdanger to one's life - every human being, even one who all his life denies G-d's existence, in all languages express the same outcry: "O' G-d! Please help me!" At times, even the sight of a dying enemy, awakens the soul of man and leads himto belief in it is written: "Yisrael saw the dead Egyptians and they feared and believed in G-d." (Shemot 14:30).     

      Whileimmersing in the waters of the Mikva, we disconnect, separate, and totaly isolate ourselves from the world around us. We also get rid of the "sensory-overload" of our five senses, which is able to divert the mind of a man to feel high even when he is at the brink of an abyss. During the immersion in the waters of the Mikva, as the supply of oxygen in our lungs comes to an end, and we are rubbing ourselves against the separation gate between life and death, we instinctively realize the frailty of our lives, recognize, pray, and cling to the Creator, and moved turning to him with wholehearted repentance. (See essay: "Why no bathtubs?") Therefore, "Repentance Require Immersion" and the salvation of Israel depends on thepurifying immersion in the waters a the Mikva! As it is written: "Mikva is the Hope of G-d's salvation for Yisrael"!(As written: in Psalms 51:12): "G-d Created for Me A Pure Heart" = "ברא לי אלוקים לב טהור"! Thefirst letters of this verse in Hebrew, spells: "To immerse= Litbol = לטבל!"(by the Kabbalist: Rabi Haim Vital).   

     2. A l l  of our people must learn and observe Mikva, in order to save Yerushalayim. each and every one of us. As it is written: "There was not even one who did not observe Mikva!" It is not enough that you me and us learn and observe mikva, we must assure that all of us, the entire Jewish people will do so. Since, if even only one person drills a hole under his seat in the boat, the entire boat may sink. Therefore we are  a l l  responsible for each other.

    3. Mikva education should start at a young age with non-sensitive topics, such as: "immersion of food utensils," "repentance requires immersion" and "Netilat Yadayim," Purifying and Sanctifying our hands!" Since, "if there are no kids, there are no goats!" Learning as youngsters inspire observance as adults.

4. Men should be first to learn all the laws of Mikva and immerse! Since, teaching requires serving as an example, and wherever men immerse, (although, today in the absence of the Holy Temple, there is no Torah obligation for men to immerse),  it is unusual, G-d forbid, that married women would not observe their most critical Mitzva.

     Therefore, the miracle of Chanukah deals with a little jar of oil, but pure oil, in order to clarify to us that our survival as a nation is depends on leading a life of Purity and Sanctity.

    G-d had purposely provided us with a small jar of oil enough for only one day but to last eight days until new pure oil is produced. This was in order to tempt and test us if we will be ready to compromise, in case of need, with  non-pure oil? And to teach us that: In order to lead life of Purityand Sanctity, at times we might be required to be satisfied with a bare minimum, with only one eighth of the needed quantity, and possibly even with the required price of self-sacrifice. But on the other hand, if we will make an effort, and prove our resolve and determination, the Creator will provide us all our needs, and if necessary, even through means of miracles!

    The Pure Menorah was lit daily in the Holy Temple in a miraculous fashion in order to reveal the presence of G-d among us, the Jewish people. Likewise, the renewal of its lighting during the restoration of the services in the Holy Temple had equally been in a miraculous fashion.

    G-d has chosen to reveal to us this secret with a small jar of oil, but pure, and through the Pure Menorah, and inside the Holy Temple. G-d did not reveal to us this secret through some grand and unusual phenomena, such as the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai or the splitting of the Red Sea, or any miracle that the entire world would hear and see! Why? It is not a honor for a king to appear in all his glory, every day for all possible sepectators, because doing so will tarnish his stature. Every action that happens on a daily basis becomes routine and its effect dissipates. Publicity diminishes its spledor. Also the message of our survival was ment for our people and not for the nations of the world.

   Therefore, the daily revealing of G-d's presence occurred inside of the Holy Temple, with the miracle of the Pure Menorah, with a small light that reveals the great secret and with a small jar but of Pure oil.

    It is not usual to celebrate a birthday party for the dead! Why must we yearly celebrate the rededication of the Second Temple who is still in ruin? Why the rededication of the Second Temple is more important than the initial dedication of the First and Second Temple which is not recelebrated yearly? Why the re-kindling of the Holy and Pure Menorah was chosen as the subject of the rededication of the Temple, over any of the multiple other rituals which were performed daily in the Temple? Why the yearly lighting of Chanuka Candles was ordained although the Holy and Pure Menorah was still in service in the Holy Temple for another 224 years? Why the yearly lighting of Chanuka Candles was ordained only a year after the victory of the war against the Greeks and the rededication of the Second Temple? Why do we still celebrate the rededication of our Temple who was destroid 225 years later, at the year 3822, 1950 years ago and still lays in ruin? Why celebratingthe rekindling of the Menorah that was taken into captivity and has since then disappeared? Why each person must light his own personal Chanuka Candles? To publicize the miracle, it would be more effective if huge Chanuka Candles be lit on top of a high tower from where it could be seen all over. Why lighting the Chanuka Candles in the window, and only as long as there are people in the street who may see it? Why must we allow the entire community to check on each and every one of us, if and how do we light the Chanuka Candles, a practice that do not exist in any of our other commandments?

   One of many possible answers: The war of the Macabeem started mainly against Hellenized Jews who adapted the greek culture. A year after the victory in the battlefield, our sages has realized that the war against the Greek Culture, did not conclud. They predicted that in every generation there will still be Jews who would desecrate Torah laws, and prefere to assimilate into the culture of the land of their residence, while endangering Jewish survival. Therefore, our sages have commanded us, till the end of generation, that every one of us, once a year, every year must proclaim publicaly his loyalty and devotion to life of Purityand Sanctity, which is symbolized by personaly lighting Chanuka Candles, like the lighting of the Menorah in the Holy Temple that was required to be lit in Purity and Sanctity. We must light the Chanuka Candles in the window, to allow the community, once a year, to check our devotion to Jewish life of Purity and Sanctity.

The Greeks forbed learning Torah and observance of Mikvas, purity and sanctity (Breshit 26:22, Ba'al HaTurim). Thousands of years ago, they knew already that without Mikvas, either Jewish children will not be born, or they will have no Jewish continuity anyway. The Greeks like the German who have been on the world's culture pinnacle, has used their power to undermine Jewish existance and continuity. The beauty of their culture is only on a very thin surface, below which lays the dangerous and terrifying "Darkness upon Abyss," as the cultured world did prove to us once again during the Holocaust.   

Hence, our sages warned us to shy away from all foreign cultures by clinging to life of Torah, Purity and Sanctity, without which there is no Jewish continuity. In the words of Prophet Zcharya (4:6): This spiritual battle should be led, "Not through armies and not through might, but through the spirit of G-d!" Today, we should lead this spiritual battle, to outreach our brothers and sisters who are straying in the cultural desert of the world, and help them to return to the light of the Chanuka Menorah, to a life of Torah, Purity and Sanctity!

   "LeHash'kicham Toratecha!" The first topic mentioned in the Chanuka prayer of "Al Hanissim," is the Greeks intention to uproot us from the Torah. Therefore on Chanuka we should increase Torah learning in Purity and Sanctity. (See Pri-Megadim on Shulchan-Aruch, Chelek Eshel-Avraham, Hilchot Chanuka 670).  

Therefore, the declaration of loyalty to life of Purity and Sanctity must be proclaimed with a blessing while evoking G-d's name: That G-d, "He is the One who made miracles to our forefathers and to us, to this very day," in merit of our devotion to life of Purity and Sanctity. Therefore: "These candles are holy, we have no right to use them, only to look and show them, in order to thank and glorify G-d's great name, for His miracles, wonders and salvations!" 

Chanuka happened in the year 3597 to creation, 2175 years ago, 185 years after the  2nd Temple was built, in the year 3412, 193 years after Purim - 3404 to creation. After the Chanuka event, the 2nd Temple existed for another 225 years, till it was destroyed by the Romans, 1950 years ago.

by Imanuel Ravad - עמנואל  ראב"ד, founder:

 Survival / Mikva=Tikva=Hope / No Mikva - No Tikva / ח"ו

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 [Written: 22  Kislev 5767 - (12.13.'06), LA, CA. 2 Tevet 5768 Lakewood NJ, 22 Kislev 5770, Beit Medrash Kossan, 4401 - 14 Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11219-2105].



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