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כל החידושים של mestuart | כל התגובות של mestuart

For the guys - have you ever felt uncomfortable or been embarrassed doing something specifically Jewish- like put tefilin on in public or wear tzitzit? And for the girl - same question or you, only wi...

We can learn so much from Pharaoh. He wasn’t Jewish, he hated the Jews, inflicted us with 80 intense years of suffering plus the years that were less intense, yet HaShem gave him SO many opportun...

As we all know, the new Pharaoh hated the Jews. Whether it was the same Pharaoh who grew a hatred towards the Jews or a new Pharaoh, we know that now Pharaoh hated us. The Torah specifically says that...

Throughout the Torah, whatever the source, blessings are usually given to the mass. The forefathers are told by HaShem that they will be blessed with future generations and the land of Israel, despite...

We know that the right hand represents strength and is generally given a "higher status" compared to the left. That being said, what is really going on between Yaakov and Yosef debating who ...

When Yaakov crossed his hands to bless Menashe and Ephraim, Yosef intervened to remind his father who was the eldest. Yaakov reaffirmed Yosef that he knew, and that Menashe will also be great.In ...

There are multiples influences which can distract you from who you really are and reaching your capability. For example, when Yaakov saw that Yosef was alive the passuk says, “Yaakov was revived,...

In the time of Purim, we are threatened physically, but respond spiritually (fasting) and in the time of Chanukah we are threatened spiritually, but initially respond&nbs...

Chanukah is the time when we look deeper into ourselves, find our light, and shine it as bright as we can into this world.As we saw last week, Yosef went through a tremendous amount of hardships. The ...

 I’ve changed the words in a song to help you understand what Yosef was going through. Let’s see how long it takes for you to guess which song it is. I've been staring right into the mirror,...

 “Life stinks!” we all think to ourselves at some point. Why? Because honestly, sometimes it’s just really really difficult. No one understood this better than Yosef; he had the definition of a d...

There are two characters in this Parsha who portray two different ways of dealing with a situation, and they are both perfect in their own way. Yehuda was challenged by HaShem and fell badly, but inst...

The feeling of loneliness, unfortunately, fills so many of us way too often. How do we react when we’re in that state of loneliness? In this week’s Parsha, we see what happens to Yaakov when he’s...

Finding our strengths in life is a difficult enough task as it is, but to put them into practice is a whole other ballgame.  In this week's Parsha, Shimon and Levi lied to the people of...

I heard the following idea from my Rosh HaYeshiva, Rav Isaacson. What does being thankful really mean? The first time that thankfulness is expressed in the Torah is by Leah; not by Adam and Chava...

מידע אישי

24 חידושים
0 תגובות
224 נקודות
שם: Moshe Stuart
I am 20 years old and from Monsey, N.Y. I was in Yeshivat Mevaseret Tzion for the past 2 years and now study in YU.
מין: גבר
תאריך הרשמה: 10/11/2018