Mimkomcha Zilberts -זילברטס -מימקומך
נכתב על ידי ברוך ניסים, 30/6/2019
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רכישה מכוונת און-ליין -
DUO TEHILIM : Haven Yakir Li…
Piano: Alexandra Baroukh – Tenor : Nissim Baroukh
Invitation to Gan Eden of Heart and Soul.
הזמנה לגן עדן של הלב והנשמה
Entrez dans le Gan Eden de votre cœur et de votre âme.
Tehilim’s Duet, is a husband and wife team that have a strong classical background, and whose purpose is to channel their extraordinary talents in a spiritual direction. They have performed successfully in the fields of composer, interpreters and music teachers in Jerusalem.
« ...We applaud heartily the ensemble - Mrs Baroukh is overwhelming in virtuosity and Mr Baroukh with assurance of character, puts bel canto in tune with divine art... »
Rav J.D. Frankforter
Alexandra and Nissim Baroukh recorded a large compilation of classical tunes from the Jewish repertoire. It is a noble recording, without the regular concessions to “popular taste”, which we hear too often in the presentation of Jewish tunes. Absolutely recommend it
Professor Andre Hajdu
להקדשת החידוש (בחינם!) לעילוי נשמה, לרפואה ולהצלחה לחץ כאן
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